
Rally at UN PLAZA prior to 1st Congress of UCM

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Unknown With EC Daniel Jeffrey And EC Danuel Quaintance
EC Daniel Jeffrey center and EC Danuel Quaintance of the Church of Cognizance hand out pamphlets on religious use of cannabis then follow up by answering questions.
74.84 KB 2013-09-17 2013-09-17
Unknown Given Educational Pamphlets By EC Daniel Jeffrey
Educational Pamphlets about religious use of cannabis were handed out by EC's of the Church of Cognizance. EC Danuel Quaintance, with back to camera, is to right of EC Daniel and Rev. Jeffrey Brown is to the right of him with back to camera.
78.33 KB 2013-09-17 2013-09-17
1st UCM Congress Attendee Rev. Tom Brown
Rev. Tom Brown of the First Church of the Magi Inc. making statement on signs held by street adjoing the UN Plaza.
73.41 KB 2013-09-17 2013-09-17
1st UCM Congress Attendees EC Daniel Jeffrey And Rev.Jeff Brown
EC Daniel Jeffrey of Church of Cognizance on left and holding sign in center is Rev. Jeff Brown of the Ethiopion Zion Coptic Church.
76.09 KB 2013-09-17 2013-09-17
1st UCM Congress Attendee EC Mary Quaintance
EC Mary Quaintance of the Church of Cognizance posing at entrance of UN PLAZA Office building during Medical MJ Rally October 25, 2005
73.58 KB 2013-09-17 2013-09-17
1st UCM Congress Attendee EC Daniel Jeffrey At UN Plaza Rally
EC Daniel Jeffrey posing at entrance of UN PLAZA Office building during Medical MJ Rally October 25, 2005
71.51 KB 2013-09-17 2013-09-17

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