
Committees of the United Cannabis Ministries

UCM Steering Committee

All Attendees completing and signing the statement of intents on the last day of the First Organizational Congress October 28, 2005, agreed upon motion and vote by majority, that they would all be members of a UCM Steering Committee rather than have a single "head" of the UCM, and that any of those members could join and contribute to any other committee established by the UCM Steering Committee.


UCM Website Committee

It was agreed that Rev. EC Danuel D. Quaintance, Rev. EC Daniel Jeffrey, and Rev. Nancy Harris, would work to establish a web presence for the United Cannabis Ministries.

UCM Legal Committee

A contention has arisen, through government attorney's, that acting to preserve a fundamental Freedom, to be free from molestation on account of "mode of worship" involving Cannabis utilization, negates the "sincerity" of the claimed practice being religious in nature. This misconception may easily be countered by pointing to several well recognized Religious Organizations that maintain a legal branch dedicated to preserving recognition of Statutory and Constitutional protections that are in place, to assure their members Free Exercise Rights are not trampled. SEE: Amicus Briefs filed in Religious Freedom Cases in the Supreme Court of the United States, I.E., In Gonzales v. O Centro Espirita Beneficente Uniao do Vegetal, et al. No. 04-1084, (1) Brief amicus curiae of United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, ;(2)Brief amici curiae of Baptist Joint Committee, et al. ;(3) Brief amici curiae of Various Religious and Civil Rights Organizations - American Jewish Committee, et al..

At the First Congress of the United Cannabis Ministries, upon general consensus, it was agreed that Rev. Jeff Brown, Rev. Tom Brown, Rev. EC Mike Senger, Rev. EC Danuel D. Quaintance, Rev. Roger Christy, Rev. Patrick Duff, and Rev. Ed. Forchion, would establish a legal committee for the UCM.

Created by E.C.D.Q.. Last Modification: Thursday October 3, 2013 01:26:38 HKT by E.C.D.Q..

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